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Environmental Policy - Midsomer Norton Methodist Church 

As a Christian community we believe it is our responsibility to be good stewards of God’s creation, to value and respect the world around us, and to be advocates of sound environmental practices.


Environmental Policy Objectives

Our policies are to:

Worship & Teaching

  • Celebrate the earth in all its diversity and richness; and promote our responsibility to care for it through preaching and prayer

  • Encourage better understanding of environmental issues and appropriate Christian responses for all ages

Buildings and Land

  • Measure the carbon footprint of the church and set targets for reducing the carbon footprint year-on-year
  • Offset carbon footprint where we cannot make reductions
  • Encourage the development and use of renewable energy
  • Minimize energy consumption to the greatest degree possible
  • Use water efficiently and develop use of rainwater for use in the garden and as grey water for flushing toilets where possible
  • Manage the land to protect and enhance habitats for wildlife and biodiversity
  • Take the environmental and ethical cost into account when sourcing all materials for repairs and building works

Community & Global

  • Host eco events in partnership with others (e.g.: Churches Together)
  • Engage with other agencies and elected representatives (local and national) to promote care for the planet


  • Promote awareness of this policy within the church community
  • Encourage members to undertake a carbon footprint audit
  • Where possible, ensure that local, organic produce is used on church premises Work towards regaining our status as a Fair-trade Church
  • To gain Eco Church Bronze Award status by February 2025 

MSN Church Council - November 2024 

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