Visitor FAQ
To make your first visit to Midsomer Norton Methodist Church a little easier, we’ve anticipated a few questions you might have. If you have additional questions, please don’t hesitate to
contact us.
What can I expect from a service at Midsomer Norton Methodist Church?
Our services always include songs led by either our organist or our band, the words are projected or you will be given a hymn book. That’s usually followed by some prayers and a sermon offering relevant thoughts on the Bible passage for the day.
What should I wear to a Sunday worship service?
We want you to wear whatever is comfortable for you; jeans, shorts, dresses, etc. Of course, if you like to dress up a little more, that’s fine, too.
Where do I park?
There are a few car parks, please
click here for more details.
What door should I enter? Is there an accessible door?
Our main entrance is the large doors from the High Street. Our accessible entrance is to the left of the main entrance in the Reception part of the building (signposted).
Once I arrive, where should I go first?
When you enter either entrance, greeters will welcome you, give you any books or sheets you might need for the service and are able to answer any questions that you have.
How long will the service last?
Typically, services last between an hour to an hour and a quarter.
Are there activities for my children?
Absolutely! There is a creche area at the back of the church for the under 3s. We also have activities about the Christian faith for children up to 14 years old, also at the back of the church, which is staffed by DBS checked volunteers.
Will I have to join in?
Not at all - simply observe or participate as much or little as you feel comfortable with.
Is a collection taken?
Most of our financial donations are made online or with donation envelopes (more information
here), however a basket is located at the back of the Church if you feel able to make a cash donation.
What happens during Communion?
We celebrate communion once a month. Everyone who loves the Lord or who wants to seek him more is invited to the front to receive communion. Before communion begins, the minister will give clear instructions about the practicalities of communion.
And after the Service?
Tea, coffee, squash, biscuits and conversation follows the Sunday morning services. In the evening services there are not any refreshments. Drinks are free and are served at the back of the worship area.
What facilities are there for people with disabilities?
Wheelchair access through the Reception area to all areas of the building
Accessible toilets
Hearing loop
Large print hymn books